Flight Log - 2024-04-13 - Jeff Curtis's Estes StormCaster
Flight Date: 2024-04-13
Rocket Name: Estes StormCaster
Kit Name: Estes - Stormcaster {Kit} (1301) [2002-2008]
Flyer's Name: Jeff Curtis
Motors: D12-5
Expected Altitude: 825.00 Feet
Launch Site: Pence Indiana
Wind Speed: 16.00 mph
Wind Direction: From the W
Temperature: 70 F
1Estes D12-5


Really got up there on a D. 5 seconds was a perfect delay. The wind had really picked up and it drifted a long way. I lost sight of it in the sun and could not find it. However, another flyer found it and turned it in.


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