Flight Log - 2013-11-23 - David Enders's Frankenstein

I call the rocket "Frankenstein" because it is made of parts from other rockets. The nose cone is a 50 year old balsa cone, the engine retainer is also 50 years old. The fins are from left over scrap material, and the body tube is from a roll of aluminum foil.

Flight Date: 2013-11-23
Rocket Name: Frankenstein
Flyer's Name: David Enders
Motors: Estes D-12-3
Wind Speed: 13.00 mph
Launch Site: Ortion, IL

My first rocket with video camera attached, very good flight. Used streamer recovery as I did not want to lose camera or rocket. One fin broke upon landing, but was easily fixed and rocket is ready for it's next flight.

1CTI M840-WH/LB-P-3


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