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Captain Electric's Saturn Screamer Rocksim Design File

Comments: Transition base drag effect and fin pod CP/CG adjustments by Bruce S. Levison (as amended by Geof so it's all my fault) Note to self: remember to readjust CD if windshield changes. Right now, it is calculated as .439+2*.141+.148 I did not use the fat fin approach to approximate CD of pods; I found their CDs as separate finless models. This version has mass of body adjusted for fiberglass build. Also, instead of mass override, I chose materials and thicknesses for segments to yield correct weight and correct CG of nose-less rocket.

Designer: Geof and Jim Givens

Download scratch_captain_electrics_saturn_screamer.rkt

To use the design file above, you need a copy of Rocksim, a rocket design and simulation program.

Kit Name: Scratch - Captain Electric's Saturn Screamer {Scratch}

CG: 9.2375 inches from front
CP: 12.6743 inches from front
Margin: 0.88 Marginal

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