Rocketry Videos

By 248Rocketman248

Extreme Darkstar J1520 Vmax (2010-11-18)
A Wildman Extreme Darkstar flying on a CTI J1520 Vmax motor. The kids screaming in the background were boyscouts. Our club hosted approximately 250 scouts for a large "Rocket-ree" event. This was ... [View]

Level 2 Cert flight (2010-05-16)
My successful Level 2 certification flight. The rocket is a Performance Rocketry G3 flying on a J315R to 3,405 feet. [View]

Nick DeBrita 1/6th Scale Mercury Redstone flight (2012-04-15)
The second flight of my 1/6th Scale Mercury Redstone on April 13th, 2012 at Red Glare XII. She flew to 5,760' on a central M1939W and four K550Ws and was recovered with no damage. [View]

Performance Rocketry G3 I284W (long).m4v (2010-06-20)
Inflight video of a Performance Rocketry G3 on an Aerotech I284W. This one is edited a little longer to show the spin that saved it when the apogee charge failed. [View]

Performance Rocketry G3 I284W inflight.m4v (2010-06-20)
Inflight video of my Performance Rocketry G3 flying on an Aerotech I284W to 2,055ft. I had a bad ematch, so the drogue never deployed. Luckily, it laid flat and spun on the way down, so when the ... [View]

Red Glare IX Nick DeBrita N10,000 L3 Cert (2010-10-31)
My Level 3 certification flight at Red Glare IX. The rocket is an Ultimate Wildman flying on an N10000. It flew to 11,927ft at Mach 1.38 and pulled 53 G's off the pad. [View]

Tethys H170M inflight.m4v (2010-06-19)
Inflight video of my Public Missiles Tethys flying on an Aerotech H170 Metalstorm motor. It landed in the trees, but was easily retrieved. [View]

Videos by 248Rocketman248 at YouTube