Cured Case Of CELIAC DISEASE (Wheat Allergy)
As Piyush became three years old he suffered from constipation, abdominal pain, swelling on the stomach, cold, cough, weight lost, facing these problems then he was consulted by renewed doctors, many tests have been done but no positive result. Piyush passed through an endoscopic test, then doctor knew that he was suffered from celiac disease. It means a disease of allergy by wheat also calls as Gluten allergy. By hearing about this kind of disease, the parents wondered that Allergy by wheat! How is it possible? In wheat allergy, what to be eaten if he will not eat wheat, how would the body function. Then someone told about GANGWAL HOMOEOPAHTY RESEARCH HOSPITAL. They came here with great curiosity and Much hope for his baby piyush. They started treatment when Piyush was 9 years old.Within 5 days all the symptoms related to Celiac disease were improved. After 4 months of treatment TTG-IgA became down and weight & height increased. Before treatment the value of TTG-IgA was 308.6 U/ml and after 4 months of treatment it became 260 U/ml. Then after 7 months of treatment TTG-IgA became 149 U/ml. Then after 11 months of treatment TTG-IgA became 41 U/ml and weight & height increased without any complaints. Nearly 13 months of treatment TTG-IgA became 21.2 U/ml. At the age 13 years piyush was completely fine, no gastric complaints, weight & height increasing continuously and the TTG-IgA decreased to 1.50 U/ml. Now at the age 14 years he is left medicines, weight becomes 39 kgs & height 5 feets and Celiac Disease had been completely cured.
Author Gangwal Homoeopathy Research Hospital
Duration 150 seconds

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