Rocketry Videos

By Heino Pull

Dan Welling's M Powered Rocket From An Arducopter - St Louis Rocketry Launch 3/31/2012 (2012-04-05)
The rocket launch time code is 1:02. This is onboard quadcopter video of Dan Welling's M powered rocket flying at the St Louis Rocketry's Association Elsberrry Launch on 3/31/2012. Dan calls the ... [View]

St Louis Rocketry Association Launch November 18, 1995 (2013-01-04)
This is one of our earliest SLRA launches in 1995. Pad setup was on our older field - about a mile north of the current field. The tape includes a 3 stage high power rocket at approximately 24:37 and ... [View]

Videos by Heino Pull at YouTube