Flight Log - 2015-12-12 - Jeff Boldig's Grape Shot

Scratch built 4" rocket.  8' tall, 54mm MMT.  Weight is 8.5 lbs w/o motor.  Dual deploy

Flight Date: 2015-12-12
Rocket Name: Grape Shot
Flyer's Name: Jeff Boldig
Motors: K651TT-EX
Expected Altitude: 5,500.00 Feet
Wind Speed: 4.00 mph
Launch Site: Battle Park
Actual Altitude: 5,354.00 Feet

This was my first EX load mixed at home by myself.  BurnSim puts it at a 19%K motor with 1491 Ns  I also used my homemade smoke grains which worked great.  The smoke was late starting, but left a nice trail so I could follow the rocket to apogee and see the event.  

Main popped at 300 ft.  Perfect flight.  I was able to drive through the harvested corn field right up to it.

1Aerotech F51NT-0


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