Rocketry Videos

By Kelfam48230

JMRC launch - October 09 2009 (2009-10-21)
Just a few scenes of a few rockets launched at Michigan International Speedway with the Jackson Model Rocketry Club in October, as well as the motley crew of rocketeers getting ready for a group ... [View]

JMRC Launch 2 - September 2008 (2008-09-09)
Here are some scenes of Sam's and other's rockets at the Jackson Model Rocketry Club gathering 9/06/08 at Michigan International Speedway [View]

JMRC Launch 3 - September 2008 (2008-09-09)
Here are some scenes of Sam's and other's rockets at the Jackson Model Rocketry Club gathering 9/06/08 at Michigan International Speedway [View]

JMRC Rocket Launch - May 2009 (2009-05-14)
Scenes from a portion of the May 2009 Launch at Farmer Gumbert's Field in Jackson, Michigan. [View]

Sam's Level 1 qualification (2010-05-27)
On May 22nd Sam was finally old enough to qualify for his NAR Level 1 certification, which means he can do rockets with powerful engines. We are very proud of our Rocketeer, and as you can see from ... [View]

September 11th rocket launch (2010-09-12)
A few clips from Jackson Model Rocketry Club's 9/11 rocket launch. I launched a Loki I405, my most powerful rocket yet! Enjoy! [View]

Videos by Kelfam48230 at YouTube