Flight Log - 2022-03-19 - Matthew Jones's Orange Bullet
Flight Date: 2022-03-19
Rocket Name: Orange Bullet
Kit Name: Estes - Orange Bullet {Kit} (7295) [2020-]
Flyer's Name: Matthew Jones
Motors: 1/2A6-2
Expected Altitude: 300.00 Feet
Wind Speed: 2.00 mph
Launch Site: Mirror Lake AK

So this is the second Orange Bullet I've built, the first one was launched and never recovered as it landed in snow and trees, however this time I managed to recover it from both flights. On the 1/2A6-2 it really zooms and without the tracking smoke it would be hard to find/recover. Also as its a feather weight it does not have a streamer or parachute and is supposed to tumble down but from the three times ive flown the model it does not do that, it comes strait down nose first and plants itself in the ground. Its still a sweet little rocket though.

1Estes 1/2A6-2


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