Rocketry Videos

By Mike Barnett

Estes Ventris - Jolly Logic Chute Release - Airplane Man by One-Eyed Doll (2016-07-17)
I mounted my in-flight camera facing upwards in the hopes of catching both the parachute deployment on my Estes Ventris rocket, and the delayed opening of the parachute that the Jolly Logic Chute ... [View]

Estes Ventris Certification Level 1 Flight - TTRA Launch 21 May 2016 - raw video (2016-05-23)
WARNING: THE VIDEO GETS LOUD AT 0:45 AS THE CAMERA SLIPS AND THE MICROPHONE IS UNSHIELDED! This was the second flight of my Estes Ventris, and as the first flight went so well, I decided to make this ... [View]

Videos by Mike Barnett at YouTube