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Mike DeMoully

AKA: USAFmissileer

Location: Dubuque, Iowa

Favorite Rockets: My AT IQSY Tomahawk, mega mosquito and Classic big Bertha


I am a retired USAF officer. I retired after 21 years of active duty in 2006 and currently live in Dubuque, Iowa with my wife and three kids, two of which are away from home. I am now a Human Resources professional. 


I got got into rocketry in 1971, when my uncle took me out to launch a Midget and a Big Bertha. Next day got a gift of an Alpha and a BB from him with a launch system. Been in and out of the hobby a few times. Now I am back in with a vigor after launching my first MPR. 

Favorite Quote:

Read a step, do a step, eat a banana.  The missileer's mantra! Pages:

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