Rocketry Videos

By Seeker

How Loud Are Rocket Launches? (2014-10-03)
When a rocket launches, it creates a ton of sound! How do we stop the sound from causing hearing damage and knocking down buildings? Trace is joined by Amy Shira Teitel to discuss. Follow Amy on ... [View]

What Was The Military's Secret Shuttle Doing In Space? (2014-10-17)
The military's shuttle X-37-B Orbital Test Vehicle landed back on Earth this week. What has it been doing in space all this time? Trace investigates. Read More: Military Mini-Shuttle Completes ... [View]

Why Rocket Launches Always Get Cancelled (2015-01-09)
It seems like for every rocket launch that is successful, a few dozen are scrubbed! Why do rocket launches get cancelled so often? SpaceX scrubs rocket recovery launch ... [View]

Videos by Seeker at YouTube