Rocketry Videos

By triptechb

Rocketing above cloud level (2010-02-23)
my slightly altered Madcow, super dx-3 flying on 38mm 6GXL cesaroni motors at maddox dairy farm with TCC. weighing in at 9.5 lbs loaded this bird is 4'' in dia. and a little under 7' tall. ... [View]

Roctober 2013 (2013-10-15)
This is my first successful attempt at launching one of my rockets over 10,000 feet. It was also a proof of concept of a larger rocket breaking mach without needing to be totally glassed. The base ... [View]

triptechb Dairy Aire L3 cert.m4v (2010-05-18)
Flying at Dairy Aire with TCC near Fresno California, first up is my dread skeet in another trilogy. all cesaroni I-impulse flights- 255, 287, 303. and for the grand finally, my NAR level three ... [View]

triptechbskyfindertest.m4v (2010-04-19)
skyfinder is my 25# 1/3 scale Nike Smoke from Polecat Aerospace. this flight was a test to see if it could handle impulse similar to an M. the motor was a cesaroni 4grain 75mm L-1395 blue time to ... [View]

Videos by triptechb at YouTube