Two Stage Rocket Flight
After my first botched up flight of Fliskits Cheetah (the first stage did not separate and burnt the motor tube), I tried again with a modified Centuri Zenith Payloader 2 (circa 80's). I didn't like balsa cone that came with the kit so I used the plastic cone from Qwest Zenith II. In any case, this was a perfect two stage flight. Too bad, I couldn't capture the tumble of the first stage to the ground as I chose to focus on the rocket and the second stage. Also, you may have to focus on the puff of smoke and the tiny white speck (parachute & rocket) as it descends to the ground. Next up (work in progress) are the Centuri Microsonde 3 Stage rocket and Rose-a-Roc Helicopter recovery.

 Rocketry Product: Aerotech - Cheetah {Kit} (89016) [1992-]

Author Anand Vyas
Duration 84 seconds

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