Wallace and Gromits Red Comet Rocket Express
Test run of the latest creation of those esteemed inventors Wallace and Gromit, the Red Comet Rocket Express. Speeding thru the desert of Borracho Springs. This was built as part of a online challenge on Large Scale Central to honor a fellow modeller Mik who past away, he could turn the most humble of junk into great models. This is in that tradition, the challenge is to build a model using only what you have in your possession, outside purchases is limited to under $30, I spent $2 on plastic flower pots for rocket motors and $10 for a cheeser battery operated Xmas train set that became the drive chassis built upon, the rest is cardstock, a Pringles can, whatever I had on hand and left over bits from the battery set. 1st time adding music which is Powerhouse by Raymond Scott 1937 for purely entertainment purposes.
Author KlunkerRider
Duration 88 seconds

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