Flight Log - 2023-09-04 - Bill Eichelberger's eBay - Sunspot

Ebay scratchbuild that came with two fins broken off.  Fixed them and the recovery system and took it for a first flight, but when I tried to put a motor into the mount it hadn't been glued into the rocket.  Now ready to fly, but I'm not sure when.


Flight Date: 2023-09-04
Rocket Name: eBay - Sunspot
Flyer's Name: Bill Eichelberger
Motors: A8-3
Launch Site: Fabulous B6-4 Field, Ft. Thomas, Kentucky
Wind Direction: From the N
1Estes A8-3


Perfect wind test flight, except that I left the parachute in my pocket. Nose blow recovery after leaving the pad heading left over Woodfill Avenue, then drifting back to land on the field.


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