Flight Log - 2024-04-06 - Hans "Chris" Michielssen's Warped! (Scratch Design)

"Bent" model made from a $2.00 sale kit. The nose cone was warped from the heat so I decided to build a model with angled cuts to follow the nose cone contour.

Flight Date: 2024-04-06
Rocket Name: Warped! (Scratch Design)
Kit Name: Custom Rockets - Zero Gravity {Kit} (10048)
Flyer's Name: Hans "Chris" Michielssen
Motors: B6-4
Expected Altitude: 600.00 Feet
Launch Site: Orlando R.O.C.K.
Wind Speed: 5.00 mph
1Estes B6-4


A weird one.

It started as a regular bagged Custom kit that sat in the direct sun a little too long. The nose cone was melted and bent. I bought the kit.

The body tube was cut into angled wedges and glued together like the Fliskits ACME Spitfire. I renamed it WARPED.

A B6-4 pushed it to at least 600'. I thought it would drift into the trees. I landed in the adjacent field. Recovered and retired.

Actual Altitude: 600.00 Feet


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