Flight Log - 2011-05-18 - Hans "Chris" Michielssen's Lil' Red Fez (Carded Plan)

Made from 110 lb. card stock, this was a free download from the Red River Rocketry website. It might have been a give-away to NARAM 52 participants.

Flight Date: 2011-05-18
Rocket Name: Lil' Red Fez (Carded Plan)
Flyer's Name: Hans "Chris" Michielssen
Motors: Estes A10-3t
Launch Site: Schoolyard Soccer field

A little coning at boost, but stable. It landed nose down in the wet grass. Water stained, I should have hit this print with a clear coat before flying. No damage though, a little burned edge around the ejection relief hole at the top.

1Estes A10T-3


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