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Model Rocket Building Blog

Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 1, Parts
All the parts - This is going to be a bumpy ride. The tube wraps are rolled up, inside the large 40mm diameter Quest tube. Parts of interest: Some of these will be switched out. On the left are the center core sheet for the 3 ply laminate fins - 110 lb. card stock, very thin. The engine hook isn't ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 2, More Parts
The body wrap sheets are the highlight of the kit. The art is very well drawn and printed. The lower wrap is on the right side. The wrap paper stock is pretty thin. Here I'm laying them flat to take out some of the curl after being stored in the body tube. Here's the thin fin (center) core card ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 3, Engine Mount
I'm not a big fan of the thin walled yellow engine mount tubes. This one was cut about 3/16" short of the normal 2 3/4" length. If assembled by the instructions, using the engine hook slot - the engine block ring would extend beyond the top of the short tube! I'll replace this tube with a Odd'l ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 4, Fin and Shoulder Fix
I mentioned earlier, the central core of the laminate fins is very thin, maybe 110 lb. card stock. This definitely needs  an upgrade. One fin core was cut out and traced onto some .050" thick centering ring stock. A small through the wall tab was added. This will require me to cut a tab slot ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 5, Fin Skins
Here you can see the difference in the kit fin laminate on the left - and my thicker fin laminate on the right. For a leading edge that won't peel back, cut the top edge long, not down the gray print line. This top extension will roll over the leading edge for smoother coverage. Here's how the ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 6, Nozzle Shroud Fix
I scanned the wrap sheets and did a tracing of the nozzle shrouds. These (and plenty extras) were copied and printed on 110 lb. card stock. I did my typical forming with a dowel in the heel of my left hand. The right side picture show how little glue is used to adhere the shroud tab. Two dowels ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 7, Nozzle Shroud Upgrade
The stepped layers under the base of the nozzle shroud are trimmed off using a single edge razor blade. This leaves a thick, rough edge. The edge is hardened for sanding with some CA glue applied with a Q-tip. On the right is the nozzle after the bottom is sanded flat with 400 grit on a block. On ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 8, Smaller Wraps
You can use a glue stick to adhere the smaller wraps that are placed on Kraft tubing. The motor mount tube gets a nozzle wrap. Test fit it dry - without glue to see how it is spaced around the engine hook. The rear centering ring was blacked using some Sharpie pens. This isn't necessary, but I ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 9, SRB Wraps
I've already cut TTW fin tab slots so the fin area on the wrap will center on those. This picture shows a dry wrap (no spray adhesive yet) to check the positioning. Instead of starting the wrap edge by laying down a pencil line, I'll have to center the wrap and start on over the fin slot line. I ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 10, Slotting The SRBs
Here's the three SRBs with the dry fitted. Before gluing the nose cones in, line up the open areas of the wraps, as shown here in the middle SRB. To cut the fin tab slot through the wrap - Press the fin slot area with a fingernail. I didn't remove a long rectangular piece from the wrap. A single ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 11, Large Wraps
I went through a few pieces of scrap cardboard spraying all the seaprate wraps. Here's one of the large main body wraps stuck down for spraying with some 3M 77 adhesive spray. To the right is one of the tape rolls with the sticky side out. Here's the lower wrap. The edge is placed down the pencil ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 12, SRB & Nozzle Gluing
It's a good idea to rough up the gloss on the wrap for a better glue bond. 220 grit was wrapped around a Q-tip for a soft, rounded sanding surface. Sand and remove the ink down the printed glue line. Here's the first SRB glued on. Note it overhangs the back of the main body tube. Visually sight ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 13, Fin Gluing & Fillets
The fins are glued into the cut slots. TIP: On a print wrapped model like this, use white glue for the fillets. White glue dries clear and won't be noticed. Wood glue fillets would dry yellow. I made a small mistake on this one - The fin covers should have the same design on both sides of the same ...
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Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Finished
The wraps are very well drawn and add a corrugated rib dimension to the model. The kit supplied fins and nozzles were too thin! They had to be beefed up. One hard landing would have bent them up. B6-4 and C6-5 engines are recommended. It's fairly heavy and might be better off with shorter delay ...
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