Rocketry Videos

By Bacchus49

6" High Power Rocket Launch (2007-04-15)
6" custom made rocket. This multi staged rocket has room for 5 motors (central 54mm motor with 4 38mm) It has an avionics bay and with timers this rocket can go over 18000 feet. This is the first ... [View]

7.5" Custom High Power Rocket Launch (2007-04-15)
Here is a home made high power rocket. I used Public missiles tubes that I reinforced with several wraps of fiberglass. I used a LOC nose cone and a Rocketman R12C chute. This was the first flight. ... [View]

Thor High Power Rocket (2007-04-15)
BSD Thor High Power Rocket launched with an I-211 White Lighting Aerotech Motor. It reached between 1700-1800 feet. Single deployment parachute [View]

Videos by Bacchus49 at YouTube