Rocketry Videos

By British Pathé

Bikers (1950-1959) (2014-04-13)
Pinewood Stock Can material. VS of motorcyclists / Rockers riding down road and close past camera. Bikers leather jackets and motorbikes. Travel shot filmed from speeding motorcycle along straight ... [View]

New Look In Space (1962) (2014-04-13)
Full title reads: ""US. New Look In Space". United States of America (USA). New space capsules are put on show. LV Inflatable space station (Doughnut). SV The metal core of the Doughnut. SV ... [View]

The International Motorcycle Show. (1969) (2014-04-13) (DELETED)
No titles. International Motorcycle Show. Brands Hatch, Kent. Various shots of two men and three girls wearing fashionable new motorcycling clothes and boots on the track at Brands Hatch. They ... [View]

Videos by British Pathé at YouTube