Rocketry Videos

By DaveW6DPS

Cheetah Flight July 2011.wmv (2011-07-11)
My Aerotech Cheetah onboard video on a near perfect flight. I am still learning the best ways to take video. In the future on this rocket I will use a separate parachute for the nosecone, since it ... [View]

Level 2 Launch Ptero Jr J350 LDRS29 (2010-06-18)
My PML Pterodactyl Jr on a J350, at LDRS 29. June 10, 2010. I had been certified to level 2 several years ago, using the same rocket and motor type. [View]

slow mo of my level 1 recert.WMV (2010-06-01)
Thanks to David Erbas-White, this is a slow motion video of ingnition and liftoff of my NAR level 1 recertification flight. This was at the April 2010 ROC launch. I had been certified a while ago, ... [View]

Videos by DaveW6DPS at YouTube