Rocketry Videos

By gizza2

4 in Nike Smoke K940 Keychain Cam (2011-02-08)
I bought a $5 keychain camera and Gorilla-Taped it to the side of my 4" Madcow Fiberglass Nike Smoke for what turned out to be a pretty good video! I cut the delay about 3-5 seconds too short so the ... [View]

Arreaux on CTI H123 Skidmark (Pro29 4 grain casing) (2010-01-04)
This is one of the first rocket vids I've seen with my Flip MinoHD camcorder and El Bee did a fine job! This is my Aerotech Arreaux on a Cesaroni H123 Skikmark motors. Scandalous combination I know! [View]

Composite reinforcement fin layup time lapse (~50x) (2010-05-26)
Der Red Mix - fin layup time lapse, combination of carbon fiber and CF/Kevlar hybrid fabric + Aeropoxy laminating resin. Track = Massive Attack, Paradise Circus (Gui Boratto Remix)... buy Heligoland ... [View]

Der Red Mix FAIL - Flip MinoHD survives high-power rocket crash to tell the tale (2010-08-19)
I flew this scratch-built, high-power, cluster rocket for the first time on 8/14/10. This was supposed to ground start a Cesaroni K500 Red, wait 1 second, then air-start 2xI345 White Thunder motors. ... [View]

Plaster City June '11 - Raven - CTI I180Skid then H400 Vmax (2011-06-13)
I flew my new Super Raven from Polecat Aerospace on two cool Cesaroni Motors last weekend. The date/time is worthless except for relative time from the counter in the lower right. [View]

Viciously Mean Machine J360 Skidmark prep and flight (2010-01-26)
As my payload section had warped to an unusable state I flew my Viciously Mean Machine with a much shorter payload section leveraged from another vehicle. Thus this flight on a Cesaroni J360 ... [View] (2010-06-06)
My Viciously Mean Machine 0.75 prepped and flown with a CTI J 1520 Vmax. The up part was amazing but there appeared to be no ejection and I never found the rocket or crash site. Sad. [View]

Videos by gizza2 at YouTube