Gregg Discenza's PageAKA: G.D. or gdiscenza Location: Springfield, VA Certification Level: L1 NAR Club Memberships: NAR Favorite Rockets: Madcow Bomarc Club Home Page: Pages:
2024-03-16Interceptor Flight Strong wind cock. Delay too long. Launch in calm conditions. Use D20-4 next time. - +D16-6 - Tampa Bay Rocketry Association [More]
2024-02-24Estes Super Neon XL Flight Parachute didn't eject. Glided into some tall grass with the casing and was lost. - E28-5 - SRA [More]
2010-08-21Estes Super Neon XL Flight Textbook flight. This rocket does not disappoint. - D12-5 - NOVAAR [More]
Estes Super Neon XL Flight Bit breezier today than last time, perfect boost and nice recovery. I like this kit! - D12-5 - NOVAAR [More]
Custom Rockets S.L.V. (Kit)  Review
The Custom Rockets S.L.V. is a futuristic rocket kit with three different sizes of body tube, two different card stock tube transitions, and six small fins. The manufacturer lists it as a Skill Level 3, and I feel that it is more of a 2, with a few tricky spots.
1 plastic nosecone with ... [More]
Estes Super Neon XL (Kit)  Review
Brief: The Super Neon XL from Estes is a modified tube-fin rocket with a beefy appearance and an E
engine mount. As one of the taller Estes kits, it is certain to draw a crowd among the E2X flyers.
Construction: The only exceptional thing about this kit is the high-quality balsa nose ... [More]
2010-07-17FlisKits Corona-2 Flight Boosted, lit the sustainer, boost stage stuck around for the ride. Dead boost stage. Main BT got crimped on the way home. - C6-0/C6-5 - NOVAAR [More]
Estes Super Neon XL Flight On the D12, this rocket flew straight and true, and recovery was just as easy. Nice rocket to fly. - D12-5 - NOVAAR [More]
Estes Super Neon XL Flight Overpowered ejection blew 3 of the 6 shroud lines, rocket came down quickly, but sustained no damage other than the parachute. It will fly again! - E20-7 - NOVAAR [More]
Estes Renegade-D Flight Another perfect boost, good ejection, and gentle recovery. This rocket is a nice flier. - D12-5 - NOVAAR [More]
Estes Renegade-D Flight Beautiful flight, some corkscrewing - D12-5 - NOVAAR [More]
Estes Renegade-D Flight Wicked fast boost, strong ejection charge popped the motor out of the mount, and also popped 2 shroud lines. Chute wrapped around the tail and didn't open until about 25 feet from the ground, no damage. - E20-7 - NOVAAR [More]
Estes Renegade-D (Kit)  Review
The latest incarnation of the Estes Renegade kit has changed the rocket from a 2-stage to a single-stage, probably because of the booster stage's tendency to semi-glide recover at a rather high rate of speed. My daughter chose the kit at the local hobby shop, because "lots of fins are cool, ... [More]
| Gregg Discenza |