Tim Fischer's Posts

Howdy (2014-02-09 01:09:33)

2014-02-09 01:09:33

I'm a BAR several times over.  I first entered the hobby when I was 12 or 13.  All my life I've tended to have a lot of hobbies, so I work on one for awhile, then switch to another, etc.  But I stuck with rocketry fairly frequently partway through high school, then it waned a little.  When I was in college, a friend of mine had a similar experience, and we spent a few months one spring buying new rockets, building them, and flying them - my first time in several years.  Then the hobby sat dormant again for nearly another 10 years, when I had a brief period of acquiring a few new rockets, building them, and launching them (circa 2002).  That didn't last long, sadly. 

Finally a few years back, having 2 boys of my own, I got back into it and now each year I try to do a few launches with them, and we build a few new rockets together.  Plus they each have a few rockets of their own. 

So this isn't something I spend a ton of time on, but I do revisit it each year, when I get the bug.

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   2014-02-09 01:09:33

I'm a BAR several times over.  I first entered the hobby when I was 12 or 13.  All my life I've tended to have a lot of hobbies, so I work on one for awhile, then switch to another, ... [More]