Rocketry Videos

By jeffmensch

Bill Poster's Bumble Bee on a K540 Metalstorm (2010-11-29)
Bill Poster flies his Bumble Bee on an Aerotech K540 Metalstorm demo motor. Launched on November 6th, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. Great flight, pretty sparks. [View]

Bob's Level 3 Nike Smoke Rocket (2010-05-01)
Bob Dickenson's Tripoli Level 3 certification flight. His Nike Smoke was launched on April 18, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. This was my favorite flight of the ... [View]

Brian Brodersen's 'Saucy Wench' (2010-11-18)
Brian Brodersen's performance machine called 'Saucy Wench'. Launched on November 6th, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. A beautiful flight to 7000 feet but the rocket was ... [View]

Brian's Brodersen's "No Surrender" Hypertek CATO (2010-04-25)
Brian's "No Surrender" rocket was supposed to launch on a Hypertek M1010FX hybrid. After nitrous fill, ignition failed and only a white flash was seen. The motor CATO'd on the second fire attempt, ... [View]

Cambridge Rocket Club Launch - August 21, 2010 (2010-08-23)
Highlights from the launch held by the Cambridge Rocket Club on August 21, 2010. [View]

Crayon Rocket Drag Race (2010-04-24)
A three way Crayon Rocket drag race on CTI Pro38 G-motors. The rockets are scratch built using crayon piggy banks from Toy's 'R' Us. They are quick to build, fly pretty good, and reach about 1500 ... [View]

Group Therapy Rocket (2010-05-01)
A large group project flown on April 18, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. After a great flight it came down on a giant 27 foot chute for a gentle landing. Despite the ... [View]

Jay's Impulse Buys Rocket (2010-05-01)
Jay Calvert's Impulse Buys rocket on a 9 motor cluster with two sets of airstarts. Launched on April 18, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. It produced a huge smoke cloud ... [View]

Kevin Fraser's Escape Velocity (2010-12-04)
Kevin's level 2 certification attempt with his Escape Velocity on a J335 Red Lightning. Nice straight boost and apogee event but the main didn't come out as planned. He'll get it next time. ... [View]

Little Indian N10000 Vmax CATO (2010-05-02)
A minimum diameter carbon fiber rocket on an N10000 Vmax motor. Launched on April 18, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. It had a spectacular CATO about 500 feet in the ... [View]

Napas Freaky Flyer (2010-04-21)
The Fifth and Final Flight of the Fabulous Freaky Flyer. Launched on April 18, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. It's a 17 times upscale of an Estes Freaky Flyer built by ... [View]

NAPAS Freaky Flyer (Director's Cut) (2010-05-02)
Extended version of the Freaky Flyer video showing setup and recovery. The Fifth and Final Flight of the Fabulous Freaky Flyer. Launched on April 18, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 ... [View]

NAPAS Launch - August 28, 2010 (2010-09-05)
Flights from the Napas rocket launch and BBQ held on August 28, 2010. Thanks for coming out everyone. [View]

NAPAS Launch - June 19, 2010 (2010-08-02)
Hightlights from the NAPAS rocket launch held on June 19, 2010. There were 10 high power flights and 10 model rocket flights. [View]

NAPAS Launch - November 28, 2010 (2010-12-18)
The last Napas rocket launch of the year held on November 28, 2010. It was exceptionally cold but we flew a few rockets and put on a show for the cows. Yep, cows like rockets. Who knew? C ... [View]

NAPAS Launch - September 26, 2010 (Part 2) (2010-10-03)
Flights from the Napas rocket launch held on September 26, 2010. [View]

Renovatio - L3 Certification flight on M1810RL (2010-11-21)
Renovatio is Latin for rebirth. This rocket had CATO'd before but this time was a perfectly executed level 3 certification flight. Launched November 6th, 2010 on a CTI M1810 Red Lightning motor. The ... [View]

Rick's Bad Attitude Rocket (2010-04-24)
Rick Dunseith's Competitor 4 rocket is called "Bad Attitude" and was launched on April 18, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team-1 rocket club. It flew on a CTI L935 Imax motor to 8905 feet. ... [View]

Rick's Evolution 3 Rocket (2010-04-23)
Rick Dunseith's Evolution 3 "Nocturnal Pleasure" was launched on April 16, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team-1 rocket club. It flew on a CTI L640 Dual Thrust motor to 6282 feet. Lift off ... [View]

Terry Leright's Vostock II (2010-11-14)
A beautifully finished carbon fiber rocket by Terry Leright called Vostock II. Launched on November 6th, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team 1 rocket club. The four outboard motors all ... [View]

Tony's Wocket on a Loki M900 Red (2010-05-01)
Launched on April 17, 2010 at the Three Oaks launch held by the Team-1 rocket club. Perfect rocket and motor combo with the slow liftoff and long burn. Congrats on a great flight Tony from your ... [View]

Videos by jeffmensch at YouTube