Rocketry Videos

By kasra111

Model Rocket Launch with On-board Camera (2008-04-06) SECOND LAUNCH of my ORACLE...D12-5 [View]

Model Rocket Launch with On-board Camera (2008-06-15)
This was the second launch of VENOUS Rocket which approaches the altitude of 1200ft with a 'D' engine. The engine ejection charge melted part of the parachute and that's the reason the camera could ... [View]

Model Rocket Launch with On-board Camera (2008-04-05) This was the first launch of my ORACLE with D-12 and an on-board camera... [View]

Model Rocket Launch with On-board Camera (2008-05-24) This is my VENOUS Rocket which was launched using a 'D' engine and going the altitude of approximately 800ft. The cone and the camera inside it detached from the parachute at the ... [View]

Videos by kasra111 at YouTube