Rocketry Videos

By OppressioN25

Frozen Fury 2011 Test Flight - Harwood, ND. Flooded Fields (2011-04-08)
University of North Dakota Frozen Fury rocketry team had a successful test flight of their 2010 - 2011 USLI competition rocket. These are images from the camera onboard which took an image every 10 ... [View]

ND-STRIPE Cluster Attempt at LDRS-27 (2008-09-04)
ND-STRIPE cluster attempt at LDRS-27 in Argonia Kansas. It was to start on an N4000BB, air start two M2500GG, followed by another two M2500GG. The simulated altitude was 22000ft. However, there were ... [View]

Videos by OppressioN25 at YouTube