Rocketry Videos

Videos / Clubs / Perth Advanced Rocketry Club (PARC)

 Rocketry Club: Perth Advanced Rocketry Club

Life of a Binder Raptor Rocket (2008-04-22)
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club - various launches of the Binder Raptor. [View]
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC. June 2009 (2009-06-15)
The Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC. Rocket launches for June 2009. First Junior HPR Certification in Australia. [View]
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club Launch April 09 (2009-04-20)
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club 1st Launch 2009 19th April. The team at PARC are out doing what we do best flying rockets and having fun. [View]
PARC Rocket Launching June (2008-06-30)
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club doing what it does best. 29th June 08 Launch [View]