Rocketry Videos

By Pixopax

Aerial Video Val de Ruz (2010-10-05)
Two videos taken from a highpower rocket on the ALRS XI Event in Val de Ruz, Switzerland. The first is from my AGM-390 on a I300T, the second from my SpaceShipThree on a J540R, 600 and 800 m high. ... [View]

Real Highpower Rocketree - uh- Rocketry! (2011-12-05)
This shows my "Highpower Rocketree", a Christmas Tree powered by an H-Rocket Motor Weight was 4 Kg, Thrust was provided by a Aerotech H143R Redline motor. Second flight was on a CTI Motor. Have fun ... [View]

Saturn IB 1:30,1 Launch om M1297W at ALRS Event (2012-02-07)
This shows the launch of my L3 Rocket, a scale Saturn IB. It flew on an Aerotech M1297W to 1500m. [View]