Rocketry Videos

Videos / Components / Electronics / Altimeters / Featherweight Altimeters / Raven

 Rocketry Product: Featherweight Altimeters - Raven {Component}

Mongoose 98 on an AT N1000W (2011-12-30)
Joel Schiff and Martin Aspell's successful altitude attempt made on the 20th Feb 2011 using a performance rocketry Mongoose 98 rocket on an Aerotech N1000W. Record was for the N class Achieved an ... [View]
"Thing One" second flight on a Cesaroni I195 Red Lightning motor (3 grain) (2011-07-05)
Second flight of a scratch-built 4" rocket, weighing just under 7 lbs and standing a hair over 7 feet tall. Dual-deploy electronics (Featherweight Altimeters Raven2) were onboard, and triggered the ... [View]
DarkStar Extreme Ground test 1 (2010-10-27)
Ground test of recovery system for L3 cert launch. [View]
LOC IV on an Aerotech I435 (2011-01-27)
My LOC IV on an Aerotech I435 on Jan 22 2011. Great DD flight to almost 3200 ft. Raven altimeter said 392 mph, 27G's after download. [View]
"Thing One" on a Cesaroni I303 Blue Streak motor to 2,506 ft. AGL (2012-02-01)
Second flight of the day with new coupler section and electronics bay (Featherweight Altimeters' Raven2 in use as altimeter). Blue Streak lights fast and jumps off the pad nicely. [View]
LDRS 2019 2 stage rocket, alternate view. (2020-05-16)
Thanks to ChuckH, an alternate view of my LDRS flight. LDRS 38 in Argonia KS. 2 Stage flight to +28k’ Booster CTI M1540 IMax Stratologger CF and EggFinder TX GPS 66” Spherechute main ... [View]
M1850W 16,046' URRG August (2017-11-08)
RW Broken Arrow XP Aerotech 75/7680 M1850W 16,046 feet Mach 1.442 Peak acceleration 12.97 G Apogee South at 1.1 miles Recovered South 1.3 miles Strattologger + Raven altimeter Multitronix Kate on ... [View]
Tripoli Level 3 Certification Flight (2013-04-07)
High Power Rocket - PML Ultimate Endeavour flying on an Aerotech M1297W in Plaster City, CA on 6 April 2013 Altitude: 5,770 ft Top Speed: 404 mph Peak Accel: 10.2 g's Electronics: Raven2 and ... [View]
Tripoli Level 3 certification flight Wildman Interceptor AAD 98 (2017-11-14)
Nicknamed "Weathercock", this was my Level 3 certification flight on a Wildman Interceptor  A.A.D. 98 with a 75mm 3.9" aeropack tailcone. The motor used for the L3 launch was an Aerotech M1780. ... [View]
Two stage HPR failure. (2013-10-15)
2.6" diameter body, two stage HPR. Bottom has 38mm MMT sustainer has 29mm. The sustainer stage had just had a successful test flight on a G131, with no problems in its dual deploy. This launch was ... [View]