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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Kits / Estes / Super Big Bertha

 Rocketry Product: Estes - Super Big Bertha {Kit} (2018) [1989-1993,2000]

Estes Super Big Bertha (0000-00-00)
This is Bernard's new Estes Super Big Bertha, flown during our December launch on an Estes E16-6 black powder motor. This is a very cool rocket if you want to go low and slow at a smaller field with ... [View]
Estes Super Big Bertha, F15-8 (2018-08-23)
Estes Super Big Bertha flying on an F15-8 at Bridgeton Area Rocket Club on August 18th, 2018 [View]
Super Big Bertha Launch drone view (2020-08-09)
This is a perfect example of how ya don’t want things to go.. It had an E motor but the light breeze got the best of her. It was recovered the next day [View]
Super Big Bertha on a G40 composite motor (2018-11-04)
Estes Super Big Bertha on an Aerotech G40-7W composite motor. [View]