Rocketry Videos

By X30pilot

Complete flight of the X 2 Balls 23 (2014-10-02)
The flight of the1/5 scale Bell X-2 at the Balls 23 launch in Black Rock NV. on 9/20/2014 This Rocket was powered with a Gorilla K-470 Rocket motor. [View]

Launch and landing of the giant scale X-2 during the Balls 22 rocket launch. (2013-09-25)
Launch and landing of the giant 1/5 scale X-2 at Balls 22 in Blackrock on 9-21-2013. The motor was a 2450 NS Gorilla K470. [View]

X-2 (X2) Forward cockpit cam. BALLS 22 rocket launch, Blackrock NV. 9-21-2013 (2013-09-26)
Take a ride in the cockpit of the X-2 as it flies over the dry lake bed at Blackrock NV during the BALLS 22 rocket launch. The X2 flew at Black Rock on Saturday. The 'X 2' put up a perfect flight and ... [View]

Videos by X30pilot at YouTube