Matthew Bond's 2.70x Upscale Wolverine

An upscale of the classic Estes Wolverine based on standard LOC 2.63" tubing.  Rocket has a 29mm motor mount with an AeroPac retainer.  Fins are made from 1/8" plywood, with the main fins being TTW to the motor mount.  Nose cone was constructed from an ogive balsa cone with the distinctive canopy carved from a separate balsa block.  Recovery system uses a 1/8" flat woven Kevlar shock cord epoxied to the motor mount and tied to a large screw eye in the nose cone shoulder.  Either a 24" or 30" spherachute is used based on the field conditions.  Rocket is finished in a silver metallic paint with the usual outstanding vinyl decals provided by StickerShock.


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