All Videos by DaKimanator

Launching "Jeremy's Rocket" [11-04-10] (2011-06-28)
Launching the "Merric"! (2011-06-28)

This rocket ran on an Aerotech F42-4T engine!

Launching the "Sky Sword"! [11-04-10] (2011-06-26)

This split-fin rocket soared to an altitude of 591 feet on a roaring Aerotech G79-4W engine!

Launching the Companion [11-12-11] (2011-11-24)

This is a rocket that was made/painted to be the faithful companion cube from Portal (it even has hearts on it)! Now we just need that Aperture Science handheld portal device (also known as a portal gun)! The rocket DID land safely...the video was cut before landing to record data.