Flight Log - 2015-01-17 - Dave Greger's Firenzy

Dual Deploy Madcow 4" Frenzy used for my Level 2 cert.

Flight Date: 2015-01-17
Rocket Name: Firenzy
Flyer's Name: Dave Greger
Motors: J430
Expected Altitude: 3,400 Feet
Wind Speed: 7.00 mph
Launch Site: Higgs Farm, Ingleside, MD
Actual Altitude: 3,269 Feet

After installing the Giant Leap stiffener couplers to strengthen the airframe, it added right around 1 pound to the overall weight, thus reducing the max altitude by about 200ft. Still a great straight flight on the J430 White Thunder. Recovered just beyond the away cells.

1CTI 821J430-18A


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