Delta Clipper High Power Rocket- Midwest Blast 2- April 23 2017
Launched at Midwest Blast 2 at Three Oaks, MI. Scratch-built semi-scale model of the McDonnell Douglass vertical landing test rocket from the 1990's, and the original project had the involvement of Pete Conrad. 54" tall, pyramid shaped, 45 pounds, 18" square at the base. Fiberglassed body, aircraft plywood and all thread rods form the internal support. 3" dia. Blue Tube was the motor tube and the parachute tube. Four clear Lexan fins for added stability. A smaller internal Blue Tube was used to guide the rocket up the 1010 guide rail. PerfectFlite altimeter ejected the 84" Fruity Chute Iris Ultra Compact chute at apogee. PerfectFlite Mini Timer 4 was a back-up to the altimeter. Rocket successfully flown and recovered without damage.
Author jmomenee
Duration 04:21

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