Model Rocket Building Blog

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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Odd'l Rockets / Kits / Little Green Man

     Rocketry Product: Odd'l Rockets - Little Green Man {Kit}

    Fin Alignment Lines - TIP (2012-11-12)
    On TRF, Manny Trotta posted a picture of how he draws lines for fin alignment and gluing. Instead of a single pencil line, Manny draws two lines, the thickness of the fin stock. Enlarge the ... [Read More]

    Clay Weight Consumers - Beware! (2018-03-21)
    I ran out of clay weight when bagging up the Odd'l Rockets Little Green Man and Pigasus kits. So, off to the Dollar Store I go. No luck at the Dollar Store, no luck at Staples. I went to Michael's ... [Read More]

    Little Green Man With Stand! (2020-05-19)
    On the Facebook Model Rocketry Fanatics page, David Koo posted: " This was a really fun build!!! Little Green Man by Odd'l Rockets. The stand was 3D printed. Can't wait to launch him!" Great, ... [Read More]