Flight Log - 2014-02-22 - Matthew Bond's 2.70x Upscale Super Neon "Sooper Neon"

2.63" Upscale of the Estes Super Neon.  38mm Motor Mount, Dual Deploy with Pefrectflite MAWD Altimeter.

Flight Date: 2014-02-22
Rocket Name: 2.70x Upscale Super Neon "Sooper Neon"
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: J340-ALTIM
Expected Altitude: 3,115 Feet
Wind Speed: 2.00 mph
Launch Site: GRITS 2014
Actual Altitude: 3,138 Feet

Another awesome flight on a Aerotech Metalstorm J340.  Great boost, loud and fast off the rail, arcing over at the top of the climb.  Good drogue at apogee, good main chute at 500 feet.  slight breeze brought it back close to the flight line, landed in front of the LCO tent near the mid power pads.  Shortest walk of the weekend, no damage.

1Aerotech J340M-ALTIM


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