Jonathon Greig's Posts

Question about air bubbles in paint. (2021-04-17 02:40:49)

2021-04-17 02:40:49

Today I got started on Finishing the epic 2 kit I picked up I primed and sanded two coats so went on to my first gloss white coat and as I am painting I notice these little air bubbles start to pop up! Has anyone else seen or had this problem before? Ifso what did you do to fix and eliminate the problem. I sanded down to get rid of the bubbles and painted again 

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Question about air bubbles in paint.
   2021-04-17 09:37:57

Today I got started on Finishing the epic 2 kit I picked up I primed and sanded two coats so went on to my first gloss white coat and as I am painting I notice these little air bubbles start to pop ... [More]

Question about air bubbles in paint.
   2021-04-17 02:40:49

Today I got started on Finishing the epic 2 kit I picked up I primed and sanded two coats so went on to my first gloss white coat and as I am painting I notice these little air bubbles start to pop ... [More]