Flight Log - 2024-02-04 - Bill Eichelberger's Estes - Mach 12
Flight Date: 2024-02-04
Rocket Name: Estes - Mach 12
Kit Name: Estes - Mach-12 {Kit} (2130) [1997-2001]
Flyer's Name: Bill Eichelberger
Motors: B6-4
Launch Site: Fabulous B6-4 Field, Ft. Thomas, Kentucky
1Estes B6-4


Excellent first flight for the day, but showed just how strong the breezes were coming out of the east. Altitude was excellent, maybe too much so. Topped out around 400', but began drifting toward the hill behind left center field. Landed almost at the top, way too close to the trees, but safe.

Actual Altitude: 400 Feet


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