Flight Log - 2024-03-24 - Bill Eichelberger's Semroc - Groonie Star Snoop

Flight Date: 2024-03-24
Rocket Name: Semroc - Groonie Star Snoop
Flyer's Name: Bill Eichelberger
Motors: C6-5
Expected Altitude: 500 Feet
Launch Site: WSR Cornfield, Cedarville, OH
Wind Speed: 14.00 mph
Temperature: 41 F
1Estes C6-5


Odd flight. Wiggled twice on the way up, once just after it left the rod, once just before ejection. Ejection charge didn't completely clear nose cone and it some in semi-ballistic. Parachute deployed after the bounce. Turned out the parachute took the brunt of the ejection charge, which blew through the dog barf and scorched the chute.

Actual Altitude: 400 Feet


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