A Day of Rockets
Rocket Project - Stage 1 -------------------------------------- Goals: Build a selection of easy to assemble Estes Kits with both streamers and parachutes. Fly the kits using a selection of class A-C motors. Successfully recover at least one rocket using a streamer. Successfully recover at least one rocket using a parachute. All goals achieved. Over the course of the last few weeks I've been building some simple Estes Model Rocket Kits. My new fleet consists of: - Estes Amazon - Estes Dark Zero - Estes Dink - Estes Firestreak SST - Estes Metalizer - Estes Up Aerospace's Spaceloft My son and I launched all except the Firestreak SST (which we discovered had lost a fin in transit). We had nine launches in all with nine recoveries. The Dark Zero was the only rocket to fail as the ejection charge burnt through the elastic leaving the body to tumble and the nose cone to descend under parachute. This one had been built by my pupils and already had three launches under its belt. It'll be an easy repair as there was no damage to the body or nose cone. This is the first stage of my rocketry project. It was a combined opportunity to try out some constructions skills, test some easy to build kits for school and practise flying rockets. For Stage 2 I'll be building some skill level one and two rockets next as well as a multi-stage Estes Loadstar II (which may see me introduce a camera and electronics). Estes Rockets are fairly simple to build and the kits are reliable. There are plenty of suppliers in the UK. If you'd like to find out more please head over to my twitter account: @orbitaledu

 Rocketry Product: Estes - Amazon {Kit} (1469) [2018-]

 Rocketry Product: Estes - Loadstar {Kit}

 Rocketry Product: Estes - Metalizer {Kit} (2168) [2006-]

Author Orbital Education
Duration 07:53

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