Flight Log - 2023-09-01 - Jason Vennard's Big Bada Boom (Wildman Shapeshifter 5")

Maiden flight/shakedown flight for Big Bada Boom, good straight boost and dual deployed without a hitch

Flight Date: 2023-09-01
Rocket Name: Big Bada Boom (Wildman Shapeshifter 5")
Flyer's Name: Jason Vennard
Motors: N3300
Expected Altitude: 18,000 Feet
Launch Site: Argonia, KS Airfest 29
1Aerotech N3300R


Nominal flight with no issues, Dual deployed recovery. 18,500 per GPS and 17,100 per Altimeter

Actual Altitude: 18,000 Feet (Altimeter)


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