Jason Vennard's PageRocketReviews.com Pages:
2024-09-01BSD High Power Rocketry Thor 4" Kit Bash  Flight Great maiden flight on this great kit, back in the good old days with BSD quality, bashed this kit to my liking and sent it up on its maiden flight. - M1297 - Argonia, KS Airfest 30 [More]
BSD High Power Rocketry Horizon (3  Flight 20+ year old bird, still flies great every time. Nominal flight and recovery - Aerotech G64-7 - Argonia, KS Airfest 30 [More]
2024-08-3189P13  Flight Very nice motor for this bird, good straight boost nominal flight and recovery. - K375 - Argonia, KS Airfest 30 [More]
Area 51  Flight Another great flight on this Mach 1 kit, as always green motors for this bird, L1390 performed well to just over 10k feet. - L1390 - Argonia, KS Airfest 30 [More]
BSD High Power Rocketry Sprint  Flight Nice straight flight and boost as always with this great bird. Delay has worked in the past but was a full second maybe a little longer to late on this flight. - Aerotech G64-7 - Argonia, KS Airfest 30 [More]
2024-05-25Extreme Wildman Deadpool Addition Flight - L850 - Mini Midwest Power [More]
89P13 Flight This is a Wildman Competitor 3 in 89P13 paint scheme - AT K550 - Mini Midwest Power [More]
2023-10-28Shapeshifter Jr  Flight Quick boost, explosive motor simmed at 80 G's - I1299 - Midwest Power [More]
2023-09-03BSD Sprint  Flight 20 year old BSD kit still flying well. - H97-10 - Argonia, KS Airfest 29 [More]
2023-09-02Extreme Wildman Deadpool Edition  Flight Screamin flight beautifully straight with nominal dual deploy recovery. Beast of a rocket kit. Extreme Wildman Kit in Deadpool paint scheme. - M1850 - Argonia, KS Airfest 29 [More]
2021-04-11SBR High Powered Model Rockets L3 Fusion (Kit)  Review
This is a 5.5" by 90" cardboard and plywood rocket kit. 3FNC. It is advertised as a one-stop level 3 rocket kit with everything needed included to get your level 3 certification. Recommended M motors are the M1297, M1315, and M1350DMS.
For the ... [More]
2006-02-02Scratch Mach 1 (Scratch)  Review
(by Jason Vennard - 02/02/06)
As I've progressed through the hobby, I've been achieving higher altitudes and
faster speeds. I finally decided I wanted to attempt a Mach busting rocket,
however, I wanted to make it tougher to do and chose to build one that utilized
no composites. ... [More]
2006-01-24Performance Rocketry Competitor 4 (Kit)  Review
This is an all fiberglass, high performance sport rocket. It is a basic kit for the experienced rocketeer as it is short any recovery hardware, harnesses, and/or parachutes, all of which you'll have to provide yourself.
The kit includes a nice 4" fiberglass nosecone, two fiberglass body ... [More]
Scratch Upscale BSD THOR (Scratch)  Review
(by Jason Vennard - 01/24/06)
In March 2005, I decided I wanted a big rocket. Something for low flights on Ks
that would also handle L flights. When I researched prices and saw how
expensive it was going to be, I decided I might as well make it M capable and
go for my Level 3 ... [More]
2003-11-21BSD High Power Rocketry Diablo (3") (Kit)  Review
(by Jason Vennard - 11/21/03) Brief:
This is a downsized version of BSD Rocketry's 4" Diablo. 3" Diameter
by 26" in length qualifies it for a stubby rocket classification.
Otherwise your basic 3 FNC style rocket made for mid and high power loads; a
nicely versatile rocket. ... [More]
2003-10-05BSD High Power Rocketry Sprint (Kit)  Review
This is the newest version of BSD Rocketry's Sprint. Larger in size, 3"
diameter by nearly 58" long. Three elliptical fins and an approximately
11" payload section. Made for mid and high power loads, a nicely versatile
The kit includes ... [More]
2003-09-01Estes Orbital Transport (Kit)  Review This is a limited-edition re-release of the Orbital Transport, new for 2002. Single 18mm motor booster with a single glider that sits piggy back on the main rocket, and is released at apogee. Skill Level 4 kit.
There is a large number of parts to this kit. Two body tubes, one for the booster ... [More]
2003-03-22Vaughn Brothers ASP (Kit)  Review
( Contributed - by Jason Vennard - 03/22/03) Brief:
This is a single stage, 4 finned payload rocket by Vaughn Brothers Rocketry.
This rocket can achieve some pretty extreme altitude on a G42 or G55 motor. Fin
attachment is through the wall.
This kit contains:
2 body ... [More]
2002-06-01Estes CC Express (Kit)  Review Brief: This is a new 2002 kit by Estes. It's a four finned, two stage rocket designed and named for the new 24mm Estes C motors. Flies on either the C or D motors with a maximum altitude of 1,700 feet.
The kit consists of two body tubes, one for the sustainer section, and a shorter tube for the ... [More]
| Jason Vennard |