Flight Log - 2014-01-18 - Matthew Bond's 2.34x Upscale Sonic Shark

3.1" upscale of the InFlight Sonic Shark.  38mm motor mount, dual deploy.

Flight Date: 2014-01-18
Rocket Name: 2.34x Upscale Sonic Shark
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: I223-ALTIM
Expected Altitude: 2,878 Feet
Wind Speed: 5.00 mph
Launch Site: SEARS
Actual Altitude: 2,880 Feet

Another nice sparky flight.  Had some trouble with the launch relay and then the igniter didn't do its job the first try.  Second igniter did the trick.  Loud and proud off the rail with a nice little echo off the trees.  Good drogue deployment at apogee, not drifting much coming down.  Good main deploy at 500 feet.  Landed just beyond the creek un a patch of corn that the harvester had missed.  No major damage, the upper payload body tube took a hit, looks like from one of the fins, should still be servicable.

1CTI 434I223-14A-ALTIM


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