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Jonathan Burton

AKA: Johnny rocket, Mr. scratch

Favorite Rockets: Estes thunder hawk, Estes red max, my silver surfer rocket,


Well my name is Jonathan, I'm 22 years old, and I love rocketry. I have been going to launches for 18 years, and building rockets for about 11. My dad was into them and built them all the time, and I would watch him build when I got old enough to understand. Once I was old enough to read and understand the instructions. I built my first rocket kit, which was an Estes thunderhawk. It was one of my favorite kits because of how slow and cool it flew. Sadly, it was left in the car with windows down, and it got water damaged from rain. I miss that kit soo much and wish Estes would bring it back. I now own 19 rockets, many are scratch builds, most are kits. I have lost some and some have crashed, some were broken from negligence, and even had one stolen from a friend! I am not high power certified, but I do plan on going to level two at least some day. 3 is a little too expensive and I don't think I could handle the pressure and technical side of it. I have goofed around many times with rocket engines before and made many one time rockets for fun as well. Anyways to whomever is reading, may the skies be clear and blue, and may all of your rockets fly straight and true (-: 

Favorite Quote:

May the skies be clear and blue, and may all of your rockets fly straight and true, Pages:


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