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Model Rocket Building Blog

Quest Viper Build Part 1 Parts
I know, a level 1 kit? Why not! Sometimes you can take a simple model, change it up a bit. A few improvements and you can make it your own. At the last Tampa TTRA launch, Lonnie B gave me a Quest Viper kit to play with. Lonnie picked up a bunch of these on a recent purchase on Craig's List. ...
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Quest Viper Build Part 2, Fin Change
Here's how the model looks on the Quest website. I've never liked reversed fin cans, with the fins swept up like the Estes Cobra. To me it just doesn't look aerodynamic. That's the first change - All the outside edges of the fin can had mold marks and seams. All the edges were sanded ...
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Quest Viper Build Part 3, Fin Change
Lonnie mentioned this at the TTRA launch: In assembling the pieces you find the interior of the fin can is tapered to only go on the tube one way! You can only slide the can on from the rear with the fins up swept! It's easy enough to sand the taper down a bit to slide it on upside down. Wrap ...
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Quest Viper Build Part 4, Engine Mount and Parachute Changes
The yellow engine mount tube was replaced with a thicker ST07 tube. The bendable engine hook was replaced with a hook made from the spring steel strip pulled out of a windshield wiper blade. Upper left: The instructions have you glue the centering rings 1/2" from the ends of the motor mount ...
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Quest Viper Build Part 5, Fin Can Mask
Here's how the engine mount now extends out the back. This allows the engine hook to be lifted for the engine install. If the tube ends were even you could hardly move the engine hook. I did fill the body tube seams. The tube alone was sprayed with gray primer and sanded smooth. Just the ...
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Quest Viper Build Part 6, Trim Tape and Finished!
I decided to use the name sticker. Trim it evenly just outside the printed area. I used small pencil ticks for centering. You should have reference marks, once you set these stickers down, they are stuck! With the red on the name sticker, the model needed some more red trim. A long ...
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