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Model Rocket Building Blog

Stellar Dimensions Xanadune Part 1 Parts
I picked this kit up for $10.00 at the May TTRA Tampa launch. I'd seen a few on EBAY, but never closeup. Stellar Dimensions is no longer in business, they had a half dozen kits in production in the late 1990s. Their claim to fame was their rocket bodies were square. Most all parts were laser ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 2 Lugs
The instructions are confusing. It looks as if the patent illustrations were used. There is plenty of copy but only four illustrations are shown. The illustrations are exploded drawings. While the laser cut parts are lettered, the instruction parts are numbered. A first time builder would have ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 3 Parachute
While the lugs dry, the parachute is next up in the instructions. The tape strips are unlike anything I've ever seen in a kit. In addition to the weird shape, they seem too large for a 12" parachute. A reinforcing plywood piece is stuck near the center fold of each strip. The lower half goes under ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 4 Lug Gluing
Here's a dry test fit of the forward and rear nose cone supports. The lower support has a slot for the shock cord lug attachment. The shock cord "lug" is slid through the slot and glued in place. If you ever build one of these kits, be careful here. I broke the centering ring support on ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 5 Nose Cone
The front support piece is then glued into the first nose cone wall.     The two side wall are glued on, and lock into the long tabs on the first side's base.   This is the nose end. I lightly sanded down the rough laser cut edges for a little better fit in the ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 6 Engine Mount
Before gluing the motor mount together, I covered all the (engine side) baffle pieces with white glue. This will help protect the baffle faces from the ejection charge. Once again, the tab sides that will make contact were lightly sanded to remove the rough edges.   The ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 7 Mid Body
The narrower mid-body is glued together. There are no internal supports, it's a hollow square tube.   This is the dry fit of the three sections. Everything slip fits very well.   You can see the laser cut geometric design swirls over the side walls. I can't see how ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 8 Fins
All four fins were warped! I'll take out the curve before gluing them in place. A little bit of water then sitting in a heavy book overnight should take care of it. I tried a dry fit of the fins. You can see the cant of the fin in it's root edge slot. The two launch lugs are also in place.
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 9 Uh Oh!
This actually happened twice before. I'm tired of gluing them back on. On the low side of the nose cone base and top of the engine mount sections are a scalloped area with a "suspended" circle.   The laser cutting was rough and the side strips supporting the center circles are too ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 10 Paint and Trim
After the gray primer was sanded down, here's the main body with the white undercoat. I decided to paint the model with metallics, gold and silver. I'd always liked the bare metal look of the science fiction concept ships. Two opposing fins were glued in place and fillets applied. This ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build Part 12 Assembly
The parachute was tied to a snap swivel. Again, note the short shroud lines.   The snap swivel was attached to the shock cord a few inches down from the nose cone attachment lug. Here's a picture of the the engine lock ring holding an engine in place. This picture was taken ...
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S.D. Xanadune Build FINISHED!
This model was a great break after the Saturn V build. I was ready for something different and this certainly fit the bill. I have to give credit to whomever the designer was. There are a few great innovations but other ideas fall short. The laser cut parts fit together very well, but the ...
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